Thursday, May 9, 2013


ok, ok.. dorky title for my first post here, but whatever. i love bluebonnets and king of the hill and have deep texas roots. i can say 'howdy' if i please.
welcome to my new blog. i have a professional one as well, but i needed a forum where i can write away about anything, not just what i usually live, breathe, and eat-literacy and teacher education. after being officially inducted into the world of authorship in the fall of 2011, the part of my brain (or probably, heart) that exists to write was awakened. now i find myself staying up during vampire hours (when even my four crazy animals are in deep slumber) writing writing writing.
here is where i wish to post thoughts and images about things that i adore. yes, my animals will make many appearances here as they are the cutest ones on the face of our planet. also, bookmaking projects, hatbox projects, embroidery, knitting -- yes, anything i can do with my hands. old photos, all things houston, some things texas, and of course wedding stuff as i ready to marry an incredibly good-looking sweet man in october.
so…here we go!

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