Monday, May 13, 2013

Sleepless in Barksdale

I can't write much this week because I only have Internet on my phone on the ranch. But 3am ish seems to be when my brain wants to share through my fingertips! I love my "ranch schedule" though. Sleep, eat, write, read, watch the birds, giggle at our cats' and dogs' antics, play frisbee, watch Cavan make a birdfeeder, watch Cavan cut wood. He asked me what time it was yesterday. My reply? "Don't know. Don't care." !
And of course our evening meals--we only eat what we can cook over the firepit! We have a full kitchen in the cabin, but what fun is that?!
There's almost no moon and the clouds cleared, so the gorgeous Texas stars are out. Yes, these are Texas stars.
I am a big-city kinda girl, but here, I feel like myself. It's calm and easy.
I always loved it here, but appreciate it so much more at almost 40.
Thank you Granddad for buying a piece of Texas 53 years ago. Your youngest son's daughter is partly who she is because of it.

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